Letjen TNI Widi Prasetijono (left) and Letjen TNI Teguh Muji Angkasa (right) are Permanent Lecturers at the University of Defense (Unhan). PHOTO/DOK.KODIKLAT TNI AD
Letnan Jenderal TNI: Perwira Tinggi di Unhan
Letjen TNI merupakan pangkat yang masuk dalam kategori Perwira Tinggi. Pangkat ini juga dikenal sebagai jenderal bintang 3, satu tingkat di atas Mayor Jenderal (bintang 2) dan satu tingkat di bawah Jenderal TNI (bintang 4).
Saat ini ada sekitar 29 Perwira Tinggi berpangkat Letjen TNI. Dua di antaranya merupakan dosen Unhan.
Keduanya sama-sama kelahiran Jawa Timur (Jatim) dan pernah menjabat sebagai Komandan Jenderal (Danjen) Komando Pasukan Khusus (Kopassus).
2 Dosen Unhan Berpangkat Letjen TNI
1. Teguh Muji Angkasa
FOTO Instagram Kodim 0418 Palembang
Pria kelahiran 11 Juni 1967, Madiun, Jawa Timur ini merupakan lulusan Akademi Militer (Akmil) 1989 yang berasal dari kesatuan Infanteri (Kopassus). Teguh dimutasi dari Danpussenif menjadi Dosen Tetap Unhan pada Jumat, 6 Desember 2024.
Mutasi tersebut berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Panglima TNI Nomor Kep/1545/XII/2024 tentang Pemberhentian dari dan Pengangkatan dalam Jabatan di Lingkungan Tentara Nasional Indonesia. SK tersebut ditandatangani Panglima TNI Jenderal Agus Subiyanto.
Selain Akmil, Teguh mengikuti sejumlah pendidikan militer lainnya seperti Sekolah Dasar Kecabangan Infanteri (Sesarcabif), Komando, Pendidikan Lanjutan Perwira (Diklapa) I. Kemudian, Sekolah Lanjutan Perwira (Selapa) II, Sekolah Staf dan Komando TNI Angkatan Darat (Seskoad), dan Sekolah Staf dan Komando Tentara Nasional Indonesia atau (Sesko TNI).
In a world where education and military service intertwine, the story of Letjen TNI Widi Prasetijono and Letjen TNI Teguh Muji Angkasa shines a light on the prestigious roles of high-ranking military officers as educators at the University of Defense (Unhan).
The Role of Letnan Jenderal TNI in Education
Letjen TNI, or Lieutenant General in the Indonesian National Armed Forces, holds a significant position as a high-ranking officer at Unhan. This rank, commonly known as a three-star general, sits above Major General (two-star) and below General TNI (four-star).
With approximately 29 high-ranking officers holding the rank of Letjen TNI, it is noteworthy that two of them have chosen to dedicate their expertise to teaching at Unhan.
Both Letjen TNI Widi Prasetijono and Letjen TNI Teguh Muji Angkasa hail from the province of East Java and have previously served as Commanding Generals of the Special Forces Command (Kopassus).
Meet the Distinguished Lecturers
1. Teguh Muji Angkasa
Born on June 11, 1967, in Madiun, East Java, Teguh Muji Angkasa is a graduate of the Military Academy (Akmil) Class of 1989, specializing in the Infantry unit (Kopassus). Teguh was reassigned from his role as Danpussenif to become a Permanent Lecturer at Unhan on Friday, December 6, 2024.
This reassignment was made official through the Decree of the TNI Commander Number Kep/1545/XII/2024 concerning Termination and Appointment in Positions within the Indonesian National Armed Forces, signed by TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto.
In addition to Akmil, Teguh has undergone various military education programs, including Infantry Branch Basic School (Sesarcabif), Commando, Advanced Officer Education (Diklapa) I, Advanced Officer School (Selapa) II, Army Staff and Command School (Seskoad), and National Armed Forces Staff and Command School (Sesko TNI).