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Dampak Judi Online terhadap Kesehatan Masyarakat: Ancaman Serius seperti Narkotika

Dampak Judi Online terhadap Kesehatan Masyarakat: Ancaman Serius seperti Narkotika
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Asosiasi Psikologi Forensik Indonesia’s General Chairperson, Nael Sumampouw, has raised concerns about the growing issue of online gambling, stating that it poses a serious global health problem similar to substance addiction, including drug and tobacco abuse. This assessment is based on a recent publication by Lancet in the field of global health.

The Global Reach of Online Gambling

Nael emphasized that the problem of online gambling is not limited to Indonesia but is a global issue. He stated, “The issue of online gambling is a global health problem as serious as discussing issues such as substance abuse, tobacco, and drug addiction. This is a serious matter.”

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In a forum hosted by Polemik Trijaya FM titled “Online Gambling Among Youth and Us,” Nael highlighted the severity of the issue. He explained that online gambling has become a significant concern as it targets young people who have the potential to be productive members of society. Nael pointed out that online gambling often enters the lives of young individuals through gaming activities.

The Role of Gaming in Online Gambling

Nael elaborated on how online gambling infiltrates the lives of young people through gaming platforms. He stated, “The reason it enters through gaming is that we know that gaming is often used by individuals as a means to escape or cope with difficult life situations. Playing games is one way to relieve stress.”

According to Nael, online gambling becomes an easy outlet for individuals to distract themselves from life’s challenges. This is especially true for those who are unemployed, lack social support, and experience psychological boredom or fatigue.

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Nael highlighted the convenience of online gambling, stating, “Unlike conventional gambling, such as going to a casino where your identity is at stake, online gambling allows you to engage from the comfort of your own home or room. People outside still perceive you as a good, normative individual. In the digital world, you can be anyone.”

The Lack of Government Intervention

Nael expressed concern about the lack of dedicated government institutions to address the issue of online gambling. He criticized the government for leaving online gambling victims to deal with their problems on their own.

He stated, “The significant issue here is that, currently, the government is not present to assist those facing these problems. Where can they seek help? Is there any public service announcement encouraging individuals to seek help, such as approaching the National Narcotics Agency (BNN)?”

Nael concluded by highlighting the pressing need for government intervention in addressing the online gambling crisis. He emphasized that individuals affected by online gambling should not be left alone to resolve their issues, especially considering the economic and psychological implications of the problem.


In conclusion, the impact of online gambling on global health is a growing concern that requires immediate attention. The addictive nature of online gambling, particularly among young individuals, poses a serious threat to public health. It is essential for governments and relevant authorities to implement effective measures to address this issue and provide support to those affected by online gambling.

As Nael Sumampouw’s remarks underscore, online gambling is not just a personal issue but a global health crisis that demands urgent action. By raising awareness about the dangers of online gambling and advocating for comprehensive solutions, we can work towards safeguarding the well-being of individuals and communities worldwide.

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